Many of these stencils are designed as patterns and stencils. 

They have been created to make your crafting easier and quicker doing most of the work for you! 

The stencils are made from 10 mil mylar and are very durable. 

They are easy to use and clean with soap and water.  

Rabbit and Chick/Duck Block stencil set of 5Rabbit and Chick/Duck Block stencil set of 5
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Rabbit and Chick/Duck Block stencil set of 5

You get 5 pattern and stencil pieces to complete a 4" tall rabbit and chick/or duck.  This stencil can be used on a block or a tag shape.  The set includes 2 sets of whiskers.  One set goes next to the nose.  The other set goes under the nose.  The chick's feathers are a pattern for the feathers to be able to cut yourself.  It also has a chick beak you can uses to substitute for the duck beak on the block face.  

Rabbit Fence Board StencilRabbit Fence Board Stencil
Click image for detail

Rabbit Fence Board Stencil

This stencil functions both as a pattern to trace right onto your wood.  It also functions as a stencil to easily detail the face and ears of the bunny.  It was designed to use with dog-ear fence boards, but can be used on a 1" x 6" wide pine board.  The stencil is 11.5" x 5.5".  However, the bottom of the bunny can be extended for a longer design.  
